Music to enjoy, Music to unite our feelings

Recently, I feel that the songs of many musicians are beginning to have a deeper meaning. The magnificent world behind them invites us to an amazing future. Music is a wonderful tool that can be enjoyed without relying on language and can unite our feelings. We are entering an era where we no longer need […]

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Concert in Space

There is a variety of music in the universe in which we live. Nowadays, as many people begin to understand how this world works, we are beginning to evolve rapidly. What is universal is the beautiful balance maintained by smiles and having fun. I am researching music that all life forms can enjoy, and I […]

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Keep a beautiful balance!

Even things that seem positive at first glance, such as love and happiness, always have another side. When love and happiness continue and become commonplace, we tend to forget about them and they turn into jealousy and envy, or we experience misfortune and come to realize happiness anew. If we can understand the existence of […]

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I wanna express my respect to all those involved in EUROVISION. I hope that this wonderful festival will spread all over the world. I sincerely hope that this festival day will be a peaceful day for the world. Peace suits this world. In order for the smile, a symbol of peace, to spread all over […]

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The affinity between music and video

I create songs while receiving energy from you, people, and stories from films and dramas. The songs released there will return to you, and your energy will also return to me again. That infinite loop is just beginning to form.When expressing my music, I often think about mixing it with films and dramas. I want […]

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Let's make a wonderful future together!

I always receive your thoughts and I give them back to you as my songs. Our relationship is timeless and universal, and it's very important to me. I'm very grateful for the messages from you. I'm honored to have this relationship with you. I can continue my creative activities like this because of you. I'm […]

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Keep going it right in the middle

Your possibilities are endless, so you may be wondering which path to take. But if you think about it a lot and don't get an answer even after worrying, it may not be the right thing to do now, so just go right in the middle and you may receive a new realization. But in […]

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Invisible things

There are many things we believe in even though we can't see them. Love, friendship, hope, kindness, gentleness, and value. All of these exist as energy, even if we can't see them, so some people understand them or sense something. Money is also a type of energy that connects people and things, but many people […]

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No Limits

If you're lucky enough to have the ability to break through your limitations, you'll be able to experience many different worlds. Things that were not scientifically proven until now are no longer just fantasy, but are increasingly being proven by science. This means that your possibilities will expand in various directions if you wish. Here […]

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We're always here

Thank you for visiting KENN's website! How did you end up here?We already have everything we need. The moment we desire even one thing more than that, the balance collapses. We need to do a lot of work to make sure that doesn't happen. We hope that we can work together to create calm and […]

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